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This Week in Sociological Perspective, audio
Economists talk money. Politicians talk government. On This Week in Sociological Perspective we talk money, politics, and everything else that makes the world go ‘round, offering insight on society, public affairs, and news of the week. Guest authors join your host, UC-Berkeley Professor Samuel Roundfield Lucas, to transcend the headlines through fascinating research in sociology.

Feb 26, 2021

This week we discuss what appears to be a sad development for computing–Fry’s electronics has gone out of business. And, I recently spoke with Professor Sarah Font of Pennsylvania State University about her recent paper titled “The Scope, Nature, and Causes of Child Abuse and Neglect.” The paper was recently published in the ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and is co-authored by Kathryn Maguire-Jack.

Segment 1 -- Sarah Font on “The Scope, Nature, and Causes of Child Abuse and Neglect.”

Segment 2 – Another retailer bites the dust: Social fallout from the closure of Fry’s electronics