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This Week in Sociological Perspective, audio
Economists talk money. Politicians talk government. On This Week in Sociological Perspective we talk money, politics, and everything else that makes the world go ‘round, offering insight on society, public affairs, and news of the week. Guest authors join your host, UC-Berkeley Professor Samuel Roundfield Lucas, to transcend the headlines through fascinating research in sociology.

Mar 20, 2022

This week I talked with Professor Kathryn Freeman Anderson of the University of Houston, about the causes and implications of the slow return of passengers to public transportation in the wake of COVID. But first, I recently spoke with Professor Eunmi Mun of the University of Illinois, about her recent paper titled “Meritocracy at Work?: Merit-Based Reward Systems and Gender Wage Inequality.” The paper is to be published in Social Forces, and is co-authored by Naomi Kodama.

Segment 1 – Professor Eunmi Mun on “Meritocracy at Work?: Merit-Based Reward Systems and GenderWage Inequality.”

Segment 2 – Professor Kathryn Freeman Anderson on changes in public transportation use and policy post-COVID